Hi Team,

Last week has been one of the most humbling and enjoyable weeks of my life. I turned 60...
Yes, we had a party. Yes, I've got a sore head.

For the last few days I have faced the challenge of deciding "what to write about in the wake of passing this significant age milestone??" The way I figure it, I have a free pass to write about whatever takes my fancy this week. I'm sorry for being a bit philosophical, but here I go.

One of my favourite blogger/authors, Shane Parish, in his weekly blog called "Brain Food" recently wrote a fascinating article centred around the premise that everyone eventually becomes what they consume. This is a broad all-encompassing hypothesis, but if you stop and think about it, this theory makes perfect sense.  

"A year from now you will wish you had started today." Karen Lamb

The books you read and the documentaries you watch today become the raw materials of your thoughts and knowledge for tomorrow. What you eat and drink today determines your physical health tomorrow. The people you form relationships with and spend the most time with influence the decisions you make and the direction your life takes in the future. It's a simple formula, high quality inputs = high quality output in the future.

Unfortunately, most people stick with what they know and what they are comfortable with. So, they hang around with people that are similar to themselves, similar interests, similar level of education, similar political views etc. But ultimately you chose your own destiny and who you want to be. You become what you consume.

"It's in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped" Tony Robins

So we are all in charge of our own destiny, here are a few tips from Shane Parish to help you do so.

  1. Consume a rich and diverse information diet. Read books, watch movies, listen to podcasts on a broad range of topics. (EG, I subscribe to "The Morning Brew" a daily American newsletter that keeps me up to date on news and current affairs in 5 minutes each day).
  2. Surround yourself with people you admire. This is easier said than done but is something we should all be conscious of and aspire to!
  3. Consume a broad range of high-quality foods. Nutrition 101, it's so obvious is almost not worth saying, but it's so important for all of us....
  4. Structure your environment to help you achieve your goals. Make undesirable behaviour harder and desirable behaviour easier for yourself. (EG, if you are trying to give up smoking throw away your stash of cigarettes!)

"Time will multiply whatever you feed it. Good habits make time your ally. Bad habits make time your enemy." James Clear

Thanks for reading,
Stay safe and consume wisely.

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