Hi Team,

As much as the COVID-19 pandemic has severely impacted our culture and our lifestyle, many of the changes have been positive and have made real improvements to our "cultural psychology". It has been fascinating to watch how different countries and cultures have responded to the pandemic in very different ways. The main determiner of how successfully a culture has adapted and dealt with the virus is how clear and trustworthy their leadership has been and if the society has had access to reliable and accurate information throughout. The term "authentic leadership" has become a well-used label for describing someone that has successfully led their country or community through the pandemic to date.
Living through lengthy lockdown's has made us value health and security above everything else. There has been a real focus on mental health and on our communal values. But for me, the most interesting shift in our cultural psychology has been the "rise of authenticity". The constant uncertainty of not knowing what is around the corner has changed our sense of security and we have all found it difficult to make decisions. But the one thing that has cut through the hardship and anxiety is authenticity and having the courage to admit that you are not okay and to reach out for help. 
"The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are."  C.G. Jung

True authenticity is when you say and do the things you actually believe, and the best thing about authenticity, is that it is highly contagious. When you are open and honest with other people you create space and freedom for them to do the same. When leaders are authentic and vulnerable their honesty becomes very powerful and spreads throughout the community. It gives people the strength and courage to make difficult decisions and to help other less fortunate than themselves.

To finish my commentary on changes the pandemic has made to our culture on an upbeat note, I will list my
Top 7 positive changes from the pandemic. 

  1. The revival of parks and pets. Our pets are the happiest they have ever been!
  2. Holidaying locally.
  3. The number and variety of free online courses.
  4. The increase in outdoor dining.
  5. The quality and selection in take away food.
  6. A significant decline in the common cold.
  7. Shopping online and home delivery.

Thanks for reading,
Stay safe and be authentic.

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