Hi Team,

The last 4 weeks have been extremely challenging for the DDB Team, trying to get our biggest renovation project ever finished during stage 4 shutdown work restrictions. But we got there, and yesterday we handed over Crimea St.
"St Huberts" (a project that was four years in the making) and the end result was truly amazing and something I am immensely proud of. A special thank you goes to Will and James who worked 12 hour days for the last 3 weeks!

I'm not a big advocate for broadcasting slogans or for promoting a "company mantra", but I do firmly believe in the power and importance of constant improvement. Three years ago we created a mantra for DDB  which is,
"excellence through constant improvement".
Since then I have personally been trying to live and work by this mantra and at times, I must say, it is not easy. The last 6 months of living and working through the COVID pandemic we have all been in survival mode and it has been impossible for the business to improve or evolve in any measurable sense. However, during this period
self-improvement has been the area that I have been focused on and this is one area that we can all try to benefit from and live up to the DDB Mantra. (Writing this Weekly Email  is one of my main vehicles for inspiration and self-improvement and I hope it also helps you all to believe in and live by this mantra?)

"In business nothing works better than just improving your product or service."  Unknown

James Clear in his book "Atomic Habits" outlined four ways everyone can master constant improvement.

  1. Do more of what already works.  Progress and improvement of everyday tasks comes from consistently doing good work and gradually tweaking your systems and procedures. (For example, using checklists or schedules and making small refinements over time)."The key to success in any field of endeavour is not doing more. It's doing more of what works."  Dr Vidya Hattangadi.
  2. Avoid tiny losses. Improvement often comes from doing fewer thing wrong. (For example; making fewer spelling errors in your emails, putting less sugar in your tea or coffee, or spending less money on frivolous things.) One of the easiest ways to improve your performance is by cutting out bad habits.
  3. Use your past performance to improve your future performance. This a good way to overcome a lack of motivation. Simply look at what you did last week, then set a goal that is a slight improvement. (For example, last week you jogged/walked 10km, so this week you should aim to jog/walk 11km). Remember, It’s all about small incremental improvements over time.
  4. Tweak your environment. Making minor changes to your work or home surroundings is a great way to develop better habits. This can be as simple as "hide the cookie jar", "carry a water bottle in your car” or "don't sleep with your mobile phone beside your bed".

"People become highly successful by doing little things in a world class fashion." Robert Glazer

Thanks for reading,
Stay safe and always moving forward.

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