EMAIL #14 - 17TH, SEPTEMBER, 2018 - Design a system that works


Hi Team,
"Leadership is like brushing your teeth, it is only effective if it is done consistently",  Simon Sinek.
I love this quote, and I think this is true about almost anything in life worth doing.
Thank you all again for enthusiastically participating in the team meeting last Friday. However I came away from this meeting with a feeling that I did far too much of the talking and that it felt like more of a seminar or a lecture than a meeting? So, I apologize for dominating the meeting, but this was purely due to my passion for creating lists, checklists and systems and I know how much they have helped me personally and my business over the last 30 years. I truly believe that you must consistently use checklists and systems to succeed as a tradesman or a builder.
 "The only way to build a complex system that works, is to build it from simple systems that work",  Kevin Kelly.
Please remember your individual tasks for the next two weeks are, firstly to make a list of tasks or activities in your job roll that would benefit from using a checklist or system, then secondly write up a checklist for two of these tasks. Please let me know if you need any help with these lists?
Also, we discussed the importance of focusing on OH+S and the following "to do list";
  1. Sharon will organise two new first aid boxes for Hanover St & Omar St.
  2. Lyle and Sharon will organise some new safety signs for all jobs.
  3. Will and Shane will investigate doing a scaffolding ticket training course over the next 3 to 6 months.
  4. Lyle, Will + Shane will do "inductions" of all tradesmen starting work on the three new jobs.
  5. Luke + Sharon will update SWMS for contractors at the start of each new job.
Thanks for reading and work safe.

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