EMAIL #13 - 10th, September, 2018 - Checklists & Systems
Hi Team,
"By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail", Benjamin Franklin.
Essentially building is organising a complex set of tasks and activities to happen in a specific sequence, so consistently planning ahead will always be vital to our success.
Now that I have started to pull back from the day to day managing of our building jobs, I have realised that the only way to ensure that things don't get missed or lost during the building process, is to consistently use checklists and systems.
"No wise pilot, no matter how great his talent and experience, fails to use his checklist", Charlie Munger.
Checklists and systems are also vital to reducing stress and anxiety at work and enabling us all to enjoy what we do. We will be discussing this topic in detail at Friday's DDB Team Meeting and I would like you all to think about specific tasks and activities in your job role that could benefit from using a checklist or developing a new system?
Lyle has organised a new DDB sign for out the front of the office as well as some new DDB site signs for smaller jobs. Hopefully the office sign should be installed before Friday, so no more excuses about not being able to find the office!
Thanks for reading,