EMAIL #46 - 14th, October, 2019 - LEADERSHIP AT WORK


Hi Team,

My business coaching and self-improvement journey over the last three years has exposed me to all aspects of leadership and it has become one of my favorited and most widely read topics. I have now read 6 books specifically about leadership and I have attended three full day "Future of Leadership Conferences". Along the way I have learnt a lot about myself and collectively this knowledge has changed my outlook on business and how I run DDB. So over the next few weeks I would like to breakdown my understanding of leadership and try to explain why I believe it is so important in all our lives.

Leadership is an integral part of human psychology and it plays a significant role in all our lives. Everyone is a leader of themselves and their family; then beyond that we all participate in different levels of leadership at school, at work, in sports and in clubs throughout our lives. As we grow up leadership is largely personality based and some people are naturally drawn into leadership at school or in sport and others are more inclined to be led by others. But in the work force leadership can take on a whole new meaning and can have a big influence in the progression of your career. 

So why do some people become leaders and what characteristics make a good leader?

"Don't ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive",  Howard Thurman.

I believe that an effective leader really knows them self and where they are going in life. They have a real purpose and they know why their purpose is important. So now I need to break this down and expand on these leadership traits so we can try to understand them and relate them to yourself.

What makes an effective leader?

  1. Empathy, they understand and truly care about the people they are leading.
  2. Self awareness, they know their own strengths and weaknesses and seek out help from others when needed.
  3. Integrity, they always do what they say they will do.
  4. Generosity, they teach people what they know and help others to succeed.
  5. Transparency, they are always open to new ideas and honest with their feedback.
  6.  Consistency, "leadership is like brushing your teeth, it is only effective if done consistently."

"A great leader takes people where they don't necessarily want to go, but ought to be",  Rosalyn Carter.

Next week I will expand on the importance of leadership in the work place and discuss the influence it can have on the success of a business.

The next two weeks will be pretty intense for us all with the handover of Powderham Rd this week and College St next week. So, it is vital that we all step up and work as a team. Personally, I love "handover week", it always brings out the best in the DDB Team and shows our clients what we are really capable of.

Thanks for reading,

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