Hi Team,
Thank you for another enjoyable and productive Team Meeting last Friday. I find that I come away from these team meetings with a new sense of purpose and intention, and a feeling of pride in what we are doing.
Today will be "Part 1" of a discussion about finding your creativity. For me the most enjoyable part of being a builder and running a company is that every day I get to create something. In the next three weeks we will complete and handover two completely new homes that we have all built from scratch and they are each remarkable creations. Albert Einstein famously stated that "creativity is intelligence having fun" and I fully understand and agree with this quote.
Creativity is a uniquely human trait that is innate in all of us. We are born with it and it develops and grows with our curiosity and education. However, numerous studies have shown that creativity peaks around the age of 10 or 12, then gradually decreases throughout secondary school and beyond. It is widely believed that the more highly educated we become the less creative we become and the less we enjoy our study and work. Creativity is a vital ingredient in enjoyable work.
I have just started reading a new book called "Creative Calling" by Chase Jarvis, and the introduction beautifully sums up the importance of finding and using your creativity .
Life isn’t about “finding” fulfillment and success – it’s about creating it. Why then has creativity been given a back seat in our culture? Creativity is a force inside every person that, when unleashed, transforms our lives and delivers vitality to everything we do. Establishing a creative practice is therefore our most valuable and urgent task - as important to our well-being as exercise or nutrition.
One of the best things about creativity is that you can't ever use it up or run out of it. In fact, the more you use your creativity the more you have. It also spreads very easily. If you work with creative people you will automatically become more creative yourself. But you also must be open and curious (some would say adventurous) and allow yourself to become more creative.
"Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep", Scott Adams.
Creativity is a vital part of self-improvement and is one of the best ways to inspire others around you. Being able to think outside the box and come up with new solutions and new systems of work is a vital part of leadership and is a highly valued part of teamwork. In fact, a recent study of HR companies across Australia, has shown that creativity is the number one skill or trait employers are looking for in new employees.
So how do we find and tap into our creativity?
- Think outside the box and go beyond your job description. Try something different to what you have always done.
- Mix up your work habits. Try working from a different location and try working when everyone else is resting. (This is why I always do my writing out of the office and often very early in the morning.)
- Push yourself and work outside your comfort zone. Identify your personal challenges and then strive to overcome them by trying something different.
- Teach others what you know. Teaching others is the best way to tap into your own creativity, hence why I'm doing these weekly emails!!
- Let go of perfectionism. "Perfection is the enemy of creativity", Brene Brown.
Stay tuned for "Part 2" of Finding Your Creativity, once I have finished reading the book!
Thanks for reading,